Resolving Ancestral Disconnection to Money
CourseUsing our imaginations we time jump & resolve issues where our (angry) ancestors cut off family support to their kids. Disconnecting all future generations from love and support of their ancestors. Using FCOA we heal the reasons for these problems a
Creating a Multi Person Clearing Protocol
CourseHave you ever wanted a faster, easier way to clear your loved ones so you can quickly clear them all at once in just a couple of minutes? ME TOO! Join me on Sunday and I'll walk you through the process!
Happiness is a Choice
CourseEmotions, (Energy in Motion) are meant to direct us to resolve problems. Somehow, we have forgotten to choose happier emotional responses. When we choose Happiness, our health, wealth, and relationships improve! Learn how to choose happiness.
Working With Animals
Over-Eating Breaking the Patterns
CourseHave you ever been told as a child to eat everything on your plate? This creates a pattern to always clear our plates. We will be using the FCOA to help us break the patterns of overeating.
Working With Animals
CourseLearn the best ways to use the FCOA to help our pets and even the wildlife. This class also explains ways to spiritually communicate with animals.