Divinely Appointed Soul
CourseWhen a person's life just doesn't seem to work, it might be because their Soul needs some work to clean up the past.
Same Soul Connection
CourseSometimes we feel more emotionally charged around certain people than feels normal. This class will discuss the possibility of sharing a Soul. Great for people who are having a hard time with a break up.
Unpacking the Pain
Spiritual Hygiene & Spiritual Self Defense
CourseStop allowing your energy to be drained and run down. Take control of your energy and clean up your energy field.
Ways to Use Speed Calls
CourseThis class covers two new speed calls and what is in them. How to repeat Speed Calls to speed up results. Stringing together Speed Calls
Clearing a Part of the Body
CourseThis class focuses on removing built-up detrimental energy from an area of the body that you are struggling with.